Analytical, semi-analytical, and numerical propagation methods
› Bringing in break-up events within a space objects catalogue - A. Pastor, J. Siminski, G. Escribano, M. Sanjurjo-Rivo, D. Escobar
11:15-11:32 (17min)
› Efficient Numerical Solution of the Low-Thrust Lambert's problem - L. Dell'Elce, A.J. Rosengren
11:32-11:49 (17min)
› Flyby dynamical characterisation with Jacobian eigenvalues - A. Masat, C. Colombo, A. Boutonnet
11:49-12:06 (17min)
› Semi-analytical propagation of NEO binaries: the history of the Janus mission targets 1991 VH and 1996 FG3 - O. Fuentes-Muñoz, A. Meyer, D.J. Scheeres
12:06-12:23 (17min)
› Single-averaged analytical model for low-thrust collision avoidance manoeuvres - J.L. Gonzalo, C. Colombo
12:23-12:40 (17min)
› Dynamics of a Close Earth Satellite by Picard Iterations - M. Lara
12:40-12:57 (17min)
› Statistical analysis of the long-term dynamical behavior of uncontrolled geostationary satellites near an unstable equilibrium point - [VIDEO] R. Flores, M. Pontani, E. Fantino
14:30-14:47 (17min)
› Improving long-term special perturbations efficiency for Low Earth Orbits - D. Amato, D.A. Vallado
14:47-15:04 (17min)
› Simultaneously Quasi-Critical and Quasi-Heliosynchronous Orbits - R.Vilhena de Moraes, M.L.Galhego da Costa, A.F.B.A.Prado, J.P.S. Carvalho
15:04-15:21 (17min)
› Semi-analytical computation of center-stable and center-unstable manifolds in the geostationary belt. - M. Barcelona, À. Haro, J-M. Mondelo
15:21-15:38 (17min)
› Validation of GTDS and DSST Standalone versions against precise orbit ephemerides - P. Cefola, J. Stratford, R. López, J.F. San-Juan
15:38-15:55 (17min)
› Remarks on The Super-integrability of Dynamical Systems - V. Martinusi
15:55-16:12 (17min)
› Iochroma asteroid family resonance perturbations - [VIDEO] A. Rosaev
16:30-16:47 (17min)
› A detailed dynamical model for inclination-only dependent lunisolar resonances. Effects on the ”eccentricity growth” mechanism. - E. Legnaro, C. Efthymiopoulos
16:47-17:04 (17min)
› An Arnold diffusion mechanism for the Galileo satellites - A. Pousse, M. Giralt, I. Baldomá, M. Guardia, E.M. Alessi
17:04-17:21 (17min)
› Fourier Expansion of the $J_2$ Potential as a Prelude to Resonant Orbit Control Theory - N. Nailhot, P. Gurfil
17:21-17:38 (17min)
› Lagrangian Descriptors for global dynamics - [VIDEO] J.Daquin, R. Pedenon-Orlanducci, M. Agaouglou, G. Garcıa-Sanchez, A.M.Mancho
17:38-17:55 (17min)
› Low energy interplanetary trajectories using multiple gravity assists - M. Werner, S. Ross
17:55-18:12 (17min)
› Lunar mean-motion and secular resonances - A.J. Rosengren, Di Wu, L. Dell'Elce
18:12-18:29 (17min)
› Analysing transport phenomena in orbital conjunctions - R. Molina, G. Escribano, M. Sanjurjo-Rivo
10:45-11:02 (17min)
› Astrodynamical methods for collision avoidance automation - J. Siminski, K. Merz, V. Schaus
11:02-11:19 (17min)
› Automation of the collision risk management from conjunction data message reception up to the decision-making - A. Petit, R. Lucken, S. Redel, F. Deleflie, V. Morand, F. Laporte
11:19-11:36 (17min)
› Covariance determination for uncertainty realism in collision probability estimates - A. Cano, A. Pastor, E. Arias, D. Sáez, J. Míguez, M.Sanjurjo-Rivo, D.Escobar
11:36-11:53 (17min)
› Deep learning for all-vs-all conjunction detection - E. Stevenson, V. Rodriguez-Fernandez, H. Urrutxua, D. Camacho
11:53-12:10 (17min)
› Fast Orbit Propagation for Conjunction Screening - A. Rivero, C. Bombardelli, R. Vázquez
12:10-12:27 (17min)
› A convex optimisation-based approach to detect and estimate manoeuvres - L. Pirovano, R. Armellin
14:17-14:34 (17min)
› Assessment of uncertainty propagation techniques to study the topology of the space resident population - M. Romano, T. Carletti, A. Lemaitre, J. Daquin
14:34-14:51 (17min)
› Cislunar Space Domain Awareness: Improved characterization and uncertainty quantification - P. Machuca, A.J. Rosengren
14:51-15:08 (17min)
› Combining Taylor polynomials and multifidelity dynamics for the efficient propagation of uncertainties in orbital mechanics - A. Fossà, R. Armellin, E. Delande, M. Losacco, F. Sanfedino
15:08-15:25 (17min)
› Non-linear Set Propagation with Generalised Equinoctial Orbital Elements - M. Hallgarten La Casta, L. Sánchez Fernandez-Mellado, D. Amato, M. Vasile
15:25-15:42 (17min)
› Disposal Options below the GEO protected region - [VIDEO] D.K. Skoulidou, S. Lemmens
16:05-16:22 (17min)
› Preliminary analysis of an active debris removal mission for large constellations: A Constraint Programming methodology - A. Barea, J.L. Gonzalo, C. Colombo, H. Urrutxua
16:22-16:39 (17min)
› GPU-assisted search for low-cost transfers between whiskered tori, with applications to resonance transfers in a restricted 4-body model - B. Kumar, R. Anderson, R. de la Llave
16:39-16:56 (17min)
› Shape-based low-thrust trajectory optimization enhanced via orthogonal functions, collocation and regularization - S. Cuevas del Valle, H. Urrutxua, P. Solano-López
16:56-17:13 (17min)
› Orbit Transfer using Theory of Functional Connections via change of variables - [VIDEO] A. Kardec de Almeida Junior, A.F.B.A. Prado, D. Mortari
17:13-17:30 (17min)
› On optimal trajectories of solar sails - [VIDEO] A. Herasimenka
17:30-17:47 (17min)
› Dynamical geometry associated with the collision manifold in the circular restricted three-body problem - J. Fitzgerald, S. Ross
10:05-10:22 (17min)
› Canonical Modeling of The Solar Radiation Pressure Perturbation - N. Vegh, V. Martinusi
10:22-10:39 (17min)
› CUDA implementation of the first derivative of the gravity potential - C. Rubio, J. Gonzalo, J. Siminski, A. Escapa
10:39-10:56 (17min)
› CUDAjectory: a GPU-based software for massive parallel orbit propagation - [VIDEO] A.F. Inno, C. Colombo, A. Masat, L. Bucci, F. Renk
10:56-11:13 (17min)
› Time integrator for second order in time problems - B. Bujanda, A. Duque
11:13-11:30 (17min)
› A Curvilinear Generalization of the Yamanaka-Ankersen State Transition Matrix - A. Martínez-Cacho, C. Bombardelli
11:50-12:07 (17min)
› Influence of Apophis' spin axis variations on a spacecraft during the 2029 close approach with Earth - S. Aljbaae, A.F.B.A. Prado, J. Souchay, V. Carruba
12:07-12:24 (17min)
› Formation design selection based on time and cost of reset - D. Menzio, A. Mahfouz, F. Dalla Vedova, H. Voos
12:24-12:41 (17min)
› A Closer Look at Two-Line Elements Data - A. Ciccarelli, C. Bombardelli
12:41-12:58 (17min)