
Call for abstracts


The 5th KePASSA International Workshop aims to gather worldwide experts in the field of orbit propagation who deliver talks of top-notch scientific content in an informal, friendly and relaxed environment.

Orbit propagation, the main topic of the workshop, is one of the most challenging and complex aspect of astronautics and will play a key role in ensuring the sustainable use of space. The continuous development and upgrade of orbit propagation techniques is instrumental for tackling most of the SSA challenges, e.g. those posed by the imminent realisation of mega-constellations, the creation of sensors capable of tracking hundred of thousands of objects, and the implementation of a space traffic management and control system. 

The workshop will be an opportunity to showcase the progress made since our last meeting in UR in the following topics:

  • Analytical, semi-analytical, and numerical propagation methods

  • Hybrid and statistical methods

  • Uncertainty quantification and propagation

  • State vector representation, orbital elements/coordinates

  • Long-term and short-term propagation

  • Resonances and chaos

  • Series expansions

  • Special functions

  • Non-gravitational perturbations

  • High fidelity models

  • Symbolic computation

  • Software packages for orbit propagation

  • Third body and time dependence in the analytical method

  • End-of-life disposal

  • Collision probability computation

  • Planetary protection

  • High-Earth Orbits and Highly-Elliptical Orbits

  • Relative dynamics

The language of the conference is English, hence all international colleagues are welcome to join.

 Paper submission:

Submissions must be written in English, formatted according to the 5th KePASSA LaTeX style file contained in 5th_KePASSA_template. The final submission should consist of a single PDF file, without page numbers.


 Page limits:

A 3-page abstract including references.



Go to MySpace >> My Submission, and follow the process to upload your PDF. 

Please submit your abstract no later than May 6, 2022.  Abstract submission is independent of the registration payment.

Once accepted, minor changes can be made. Please, edit your submission to upload the final version no later than May 20, 2022.


Note: we will not publish proceedings. We will publish a referable book of extended abstracts (with ISBN).


The organizing committee is also considering the option of editing a Special Issue of MDPI's Aerospace ( devoted to Key Topics in Orbit Propagation Applied to Space Situational Awareness. The Special Issue would be open to publish the research you will present on the workshop. The submission process and corresponding deadlines would be afterwards determined.  

To assess the interest of this initiative to the Kepassa community, please take 30 seconds to fill the following form:


Conference: 15' Presentacion + 2' Questions

Two formats of presentation:

  • Oral presentation (in person)
  • Online/Video presentation


Choose the option during the abstract submission process.  Please contact the conference secretary ( for more information about Online/Video Presentation.


For any question: 



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